
Sophia filia regem Witoldus Rex Lithuaniae

Ultra-relaxing “Sophia” with an exclusive aroma, evaporated in a holy grass extract, enriched with essential oils of myrrh and black spruce.


Dry mineral water "Sophia" is named in honor of Sofija Vytautaitė, the only daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas. It is a unique natural product made from a particularly high mineralization water with a concentration of 93 g / l. This water is obtained from a 715 m deep mineral spring in Birštonas, which reaches the Cambrian aquifer. MINERAL SALTS - extracted from sodium chloride type mineral water which contains 56 g/l chloride, 28 g/l sodium, 0,3 g/l potassium, 2,3 g/l sulphate, 4,2 g/l calcium, 1,9 g/l magnesium, fluorine, bromine, selenium, boron and many more other micro elements. The thermal and chemical effects of sodium chloride mineral water improve peripheral and central blood circulation. Deep and balmy, myrrh essential oil is one of the most powerful essential oils, which acts as an antiseptic, reduces inflammation, accelerates healing, soothes and softens dry and damaged skin. The essential oil of black spruce has an old lush forest scent with a hint of wood and balsamic tones. This essential oil reduces mild pain and inflammation, relaxes the mind, brings inner peace and refreshes the spirit. No synthetic additives or preservatives are used in the manufacture of the product. When dissolved in fresh water, the product recovers its original state and turns into mineralised water. After the procedures with dry mineral water, the skin is left moisturised and nourished, the surface of the skin feels like a silk, so you probably won't need any skin moisturiser after the bath.

This product is designed to be enjoyed in the bath but is also suitable for body scrubbing in the sauna or shower. To make a scrub, simply mix dry mineral water with a natural product that you like, e.g. honey, coffee grounds, sugar or oils.
The recommended optimal dose for the first time is 50 g of product in a half-filled bath with 38 ° C water. The more product you put in the bath, the greater the mineralization of the bath. If you like a hotter bath, you can put a piece of cloth soaked in cool water on your forehead, ideally made of flannel. After a hot bath, avoid sudden movements when getting out as you may experience light-headedness. For children, the product is only suitable for foot or hand baths. Never use the product internally. Don’t ever eat or drink dry mineral water or its solution. Ingestion of the product may cause serious health problems. Keep the bottle out of the reach and sight of children, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Avoid contact with eyes or respiratory tract. If you are allergic, pay close attention to the possible allergens and read the label carefully. After a bath or body scrub, you may feel a slight tingling in the skin caused by “mantle” of the minerals, especially magnesium. This tingling is normal and will go away on its own in 10 to 15 minutes. You will feel more intense tingling if your body has a sever deficiency in magnesium. Tingling is caused by magnesium molecules entering the hair follicles and sweat glands. It is important to understand that this is not an allergic reaction to the magnesium, it is a completely normal and expected sensation.


The externally used mineralised water on the body has a combined mechanical, thermal, and chemical effect that benefit each other. The body is stimulated by the airless environment, created between the mineral "mantle" formed by the mineral salts of the water and the skin. Skin's rich system of sensory receptors and capillaries is responsible for maintaining the body's self-regulation and balance. The "mantle" of minerals after a bath lasts for several hours (or until is washed off with fresh water) and becomes a long-term positive irritant to the nerve receptors in the skin, changing its reactivity, blood circulation, metabolism. Prolonged skin receptor irritation beneficially affects the central nervous system, resulting in a relaxing and soothing effect.